Observation & Exploration imaging
While some dive deeper into our planet, others have decided to look up and explore the universe around us. At Lambda-X, our purpose is to provide scientific teams with the best optical instruments in order to identify and observe new phenomena in Space and on Earth.
Earth Observation
Earth observation plays a key role in our daily life. By focussing on our planet, we have gain the ability to identify, analyse and characterize many events. The technologies and accuracy have evolved through time, but the need remains and the applications are numerous.
- Natural post-disasters response
- Detection of pollution and gas emissions
- Climate change mitigation
- Agricultural and forest resources monitoring
- Water stress management
- Natural aeras protection
- Oceans and land survey
- Maritime and coasts surveillance
- Security (threat identification, anomaly detection, critical infrastructure inspection..)
For these purposes and many others, Earth observation actors require optical payloads with the capacity to operate on different platforms (satellites, airplanes, drones, high-altitude platform systems…) and under various environments.
The wide range of applications creates the need for observations in various spectral ranges (visible, near infra-red, thermal infrared..). Optical designers also have to take into account the data acquisition strategy with selection of panchromatic, multispectral or hyperspectral modes.
In this context, Lambda-X team offer a co-engineering approach, working with the customer in order to optimize the mission parameters of spatial resolution, observed scene size and detectability. Our customer support includes the selection of relevant sensor and optical component technologies.
Space Exploration
There’s still very little known to mankind when it comes to space exploration. The universe surrounding us is constantly surprising scientific teams with new discoveries. At Lambda-X, we believe in advancing science and technology by continuous innovation. We aim to provide expedition missions with quality and efficiency in every instrument we work on.
After six decades of exploration, there is no denying a growing interest for Moon surface, both from space agencies and private companies. Besides NASA Artemis and Gateway programs, the European Space Agency is also active through different missions. Among them, Lambda-X participates to PROSPECT (Package for Resource Observation and in-Situ Prospecting for Exploration, Commercial exploitation and Transportation), whose objective is to extract and analyze samples of the lunar terrain.
In collaboration with industrial partners (3D PLUS, Kayser Italia and LEONARDO), Lambda-X is working on the optics of the camera unit, part of the Sample Excavation and Extraction Drill Imaging System. The key challenges of this development are the very low storage temperature on Moon surface and the dust environment.
In beginning of 2020, Lambda-X has been selected to participate to CNES mission MMX (Martian Moons Exploration) under a 3DPLUS contract. The goal of the mission is to get a better knowledge of the two small moons of Mars, Phobos and Deimos. The mission, in order to achieve this goal, is to have a probe landing on Phobos surface to collect materials and samples.
In this mission, Lambda-X has been charged with designing and manufacturing the Navcam camera optics, embedded on Phobos rover. Two engineering and qualification models have been delivered in 2020 and 2021, the two first flight models have been delivered in March 2021.
On-orbit Services
As NewSpace introduces more and more private actors in the race for the sky, a new generation of spacecrafts designed specifically for on-orbit servicing (OOS) is now appearing. More and smaller satellites, cheaper to manufacture and launch, with various missions revolving around our blue planet.
Today, NewSpace induces the emergence of new missions requiring the following capabilities :
- Space Situational Awareness (SSA): the number of low Earth orbit satellites and the large amounts of orbital debris increases the risks of collisions. Identification of human and natural threats in orbit is now mandatory. With our customers, we study and optimize optical sensors for this purpose, with the final objective to help the development of a sustainable and efficient space environment for the future.
- Anomaly resolution: In this application, optical sensors are used for determining the platform condition and detecting anomalies
- On-Orbit Assembly: Starting from Robotics R&D done in the context of ISS, this application aims at reducing launch cost and size limitations by hardware upgrade with sub-system addition.
Discover other space technologies
We believe in providing scientific teams with the best instruments to identify, analyze and characterize the phenomena being studied. Lambda-X has specialized in microgravity experiments and the development of complex and efficient optical systems capable of withstanding the harsh constraints of such conditions.
Get in touch
Interested in our optical engineering services for space and security applications? Get in touch with Jean-Hervé for your next innovation, we’re looking forward to helping you.